Hot Chocolate and Donut Day

Jum iċ-ċikkulata sħuna u d-donuts – suċċess ħelu tassew! 🍩☕

Grazzi lil kull min ipparteċipa u għen biex dan l-avveniment ikun suċċessun.💪 Sabiħ wisq naraw il-komunità tal-iskola tagħna tinġabar flimkien u tgawdi din il-waqfa b’togħma ħelwa.

Ibqgħu aġġornati dwar aktar avvenimenti bħal dawn fil-futur! 😋❤️

Hot chocolate and donut day – what a sweet success! 🍩☕

Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make the event such a hit.💪 It was wonderful to see the school community come together and enjoy this sweet break. Stay tuned for more events like this in the future!😋❤️