Hockey Exhibition Game 2025

🏒👏🥅L-aqwa mumenti mil-logħba esibizzjoni tal-Hockey – Illum waqt il-break it-twil, kellna x-xorti ngawdu logħba esibizzjoni tal-hockey kollha enerġija, bil-parteċipazzjoni eċċellenti tal-istudenti bravi tagħna. L-entużjażmu kien kbir għaliex il-players urew il-ħiliet tagħhom minsuġa bit-teamwork.

Prosit lil dawk kollha li ħadu sehem! L-impenn u s-sens sportiv tagħkom għamlu dan l-avveniment suċċess. Grazzi lis-sur Nathan Galea. Prosit lil kulħadd! 👏

🏒👏🥅Hockey Exhibition Match Highlights – Today during our midday break, we enjoyed an exciting hockey exhibition match featuring our talented students. The energy was high as players showcased their skills and teamwork.

Congratulations to all participants! Your hard work and sportsmanship made the event a success. Thanks Mr Nathan Galea. Well done, everyone! 👏