Harvesting vegetables

L-istudenti tal- King’s Trust International Achieve Programme Malta u tal- Let’s Talk Farming Programme, illum ħasdu wħud mill-ħxejjex li huma stess kabbru b’mod organiku fl-iskola tagħna, fosthom il-ħass, il-pastard u l-brokkoli. Il-ħidma se tkompli għall-bqija tal-ħxejjex li għadhom qed jikbru, bħalma huma l-piżelli, il-ful, ir-rucola, it-tadam u l-qargħa. Ibqgħu sejrin hekk! Bravi!💪👏

Students from King’s Trust International Achieve and Lets Talk Farming today harvested some of the vegetables they have been organically growing at our school, including lettuce, cauliflower and broccoli. They will continue harvesting the rest of their crops once they are ready, such as the peas, broth beans, rocket, tomatoes and pumpkins. Keep up the good work! Well done! 💪👏