The 11 Topaz students participate in gardening activities through the Prince’s Trust subject. For the first time, this year, they harvested olives from the trees at School and olive oil was extracted from them. We have learnt a lot of things about this process and 5 litres were extracted which will be sold during the Christmas Village.
Bħala parti mis-suġġett tal-Prince’s Trust, il-klassi 11 Topaz jieħdu ħsieb biċċa mil-ġardina tal-iskola. Għall-ewwel darba, din is-sena, saret attività fejn l-istudenti qatgħu iż-żebbuġ li jikber ġol-iskola u ttieħed għat-tagħsir. Tgħallimna bosta affarijiet dwar dan il-proċess u miż-żebbuġ li qtajna ħriġna 5 litri, li se jkunu qiegħdin jinbiegħu waqt il-Christmas Village.
Is-Sa. R A Zammit
Għalliema tal-Prince’s Trust