Li tiżra taħsad! Wara xhur ta’ ħidma kbira, il-klassijiet 9 Topaz u 11 Topaz gawdew ftit mill-ikel li kabbru matul din is-sena skolastika. Kien proċess twil fejn l-istudenti ħadmu flimkien sabiex jippreparaw il-ħamrija u jinżergħu żerriegħa u xtieli differenti, fosthom: ħass, ġidra, tewm, brokkli, ful, piżelli, ċiċri, tadam, rukola u tursin. Ħadu ħsieb li jsaqqu regolarment u jieħdu ħsieb ineħħu ħaxix salvaġġ u l-insetti li kienu jiġu fuq dawn il-ħxejjex. Dan kollu sar b’mod organiku li hu tajjeb kemm għall-ambjent kif ukoll għal saħħitna. Prosit lil dawn l-istudenti u grazzi lil LSEs li għenu f’dan kollu.
Is-Sa. R A Zammit
You reap what you sow! After months of hard work, 9 Topaz and 11 Topaz enjoyed trying some of the food they harvested throughout this scholastic year. It was a long process where students worked together to prepare the soil, plant and sow various seeds including: lettuce, turnip, garlic, broccoli, beans, peas, chickpeas, tomatoes, rucola and parsley. They made sure to water regularly and removed any weeds and insects. This food is all organic which is beneficial both for the environment and our health. Well done to these students and thank you to the LSEs who helped in this project.
Ms. R A Zammit