Dear parents, guardians, and students, as we prepare for the start of the academic year, it is crucial that each student has a functioning school email address and can log in to their mailbox. The same applies to the parents/guardians’ email address. This will enable you to receive important updates and announcements from the school administration. You will be able to stay connected with the school community, receive timely information, and participate effectively in your educational journey. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and understand that effective communication is a shared responsibility between the school, parents/guardians, and students.
The School Administration
Għeżież ġenituri/kustodji u studenti, hekk kif qed inħejju għall-bidu tas-sena akkademika, huwa kruċjali li kull student ikollu indirizz elettroniku tal-iskola li jaħdem u jkun jista’ jidħol fil-kaxxa diġitali tiegħu. L-istess japplika għall-indirizz elettroniku tal-ġenituri/kustodji. B’hekk tkun tista’ tirċievi aġġornamenti u avviżi importanti mill-amministrazzjoni tal-iskola. Napprezzaw il-kooperazzjoni tiegħek u nifhmu li komunikazzjoni effettiva hija responsabbiltà bejn l-iskola, il-ġenituri/kustodji, u l-istudenti.
L-Amministrazzjoni tal-Iskola