L-istudenti, għalliema u LSEs tal-KTI tal-ħdax-il sena kellhom kors bażiku tal-ewwel għajnuna fejn tgħallmu kif jassistu meta xi ħadd ikun fil-bżonn. Ġew murija kif jagħtu CPR, jużaw AED, kif ipoġġu lil xi ħadd f’ recovery position u x’għandhom jagħmlu f’każ li xi ħadd ikun qed jifga jew jegħreq. Wara l-ispjegazzjonijiet kellhom iċ-ċans li jipprattikaw fuq il-mudell kif ukoll fuq xulxin b’istruzzjonijiet u superviżjoni taż-żewġ għalliema li ipprovdew dan it-taħriġ.

The Year 11 KTI students, teachers and LSEs attended a basic course in First Aid where they learnt how to assist someone in need. CPR, the use of AED and putting someone in recovery position were shown and practiced, and instructions and demonstrations on what to do when someone is choking or drowning were given. The group had the opportunity to practice on both the dummy and each other under the supervision of the two teachers that provided this training.
Ms R A Zammit
KTI Coordinator