Ejja esplora d-Dinja magħna!
Inti lest għall-avventura kulturali unika? Ingħaqad magħna għall-attività ‘Around the Globe’ – avveniment li jiċċelebra l-ġmiel tad-diversità u fl-istess ħin tal-unità!
Agħfas dawn l-istampi ta’ hawn taħt biex tesplora aktar l-kulturi li se jkollna waqt din l-attività.
Titlifx l-opportunità biex tiskopri aktar dwar is-sabiħ ta’ kulturi differenti!
Explore the World with us!
Are you ready to go on a journey to discover different cultures? Join us at ‘Around the Globe’, a vibrant celebration of diversity and unity!
Click on the images here below to embark on a virtual tour of many cultures that will be showcased at this exciting event and that you can discover when you join us!
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and embrace the rich tapestry of our global community!
See you there!