As part of the Ethics’ Syllabus, the Year 8 students discuss different religions and worldviews. In relation to this topic the Ethics teachers, Ms M Cassar Conti and Mr G Buhagiar, organised an outing to visit the Mariam al Batool Mosque and the Basilica of Christ the King
, both in Paola.
Once the group arrived at the Mosque, the students and educators were welcomed by Ms Diana who introduced herself and invited them inside the mosque. The students and educators removed their shoes as it is a custom when entering a mosque and sat crossed legged on the carpeted floor. There Ms Diana talked about the Islamic religion, explaining the way prayer was held, the way ceremonies and other rituals are practised, such as Ramadan and the pilgrimage to Mecca. Students were given the chance to ask questions and their interest and curiosity was highlighted through the number of questions that they asked.
Later the students and educators walked to the Basilica of Christ the King where they were welcomed by Father Marc Andre Camilleri. The Parish Priest explained the way this magnificent temple was constructed stating that the project started on the 1st of April 1923, almost exactly a century ago. He then invited the students and educators to go upstairs on top of the church and observe the view of Paola square from the top. This was exciting for both students and educators.
This outing served to educate the students on the various religions and temples present in the Maltese islands, advocating the importance of diversity when it comes to the enrichment in knowledge and the beauty of the various hues in a multicultural society.