The PTI Achieve programme provided the opportunity for different generations to meet and get to know the elderly community in Zejtun. During our visit to the Elderly Home, we were welcomed with open arms and three stations were set up for the students to familiarise themselves with different trades: knitting and crochet, fret work and liedna.
The students had the opportunity to learn about these works of art and tried to practice themselves as well. We look forward to welcoming the elderly to our school next month!
PTI Achieve Department
Il-programm tal-PTI Achieve ta l-opportunità lill-ġenerazzjonijiet differenti biex jiltaqgħu u jsiru jafu lill-komunità tal-anzjani taż-Żejtun. Waqt iż-żjara tagħna fid-dar tal-anzjani taż-Żejtun, ġejna milqugħa b’idejn miftuħa u l-istudenti setgħu jitgħallmu dwar tradizzjonijiet u snajja differenti bħal suf u ganċ, arkett u liedna.
L-istudenti kellhom l-opportunità li jitgħallmu dwar dawn ix-xogħolijiet u jipprattikaw huma ukoll. Qed nistennew b’ħerqa li nilqgħu lil anzjani fl-iskola tagħna x-xahar id-dieħel.
Id-Dipartiment tal-PTI Achieve