It-tieni recording ta’ Edukattivi bil-lest ukoll! L-istudenti tagħna qegħdin jikkompetu kontra studenti oħra minn diversi skejjel. Il-kompetizzjoni tinkludi mistoqsijiet minn oqsma varji, fosthom il-Matematika, l-Ingliż, tagħrif ġenerali u ħafna aktar. Kun żgur li ssegwi l-programm fuq TVM kuljum wara l-iskola. Grazzi speċjalt tmur għall-għalliema tagħna s-Sa N. Vella u s-Sur C. Mercieca. Prosit u bravi!
The second recording of Edukattivi done and dusted. Our students are competing against other students from various schools. The competition features questions on a range of subjects, including Mathematics, English, general knowledge and much more. Be sure to watch the programme on TVM every day after school. Special thanks goes to our teachers Ms. N. Vella and Mr. C. Mercieca. Well done!