Edukattivi (2023-2024)

Dalgħodu grupp ta’ studenti ħadu sehem fl-ewwel sensiela tal-programm Edukattivi. Dan il-programm huwa mmirat għall-udjenza żgħażugħa, fejn l-udjenza se titħalla fuq ix-xwiek u tibqa’ aġġornata bl-ostakli li l-istudenti se jaffaċjaw waqt il-kompetizzjoni kontra studenti ta’ skejjel oħra. Awguri kbira lill-istudenti tagħna!

This morning, a group of students participated in the first episode of the educational program Edukattivi. This show is geared at a young audience, who will be kept on their toes and informed on the challenges that the students will encounter during the competition against students from other schools. Good luck, students!