Donation to Karl Vella Foundation

Is-somma sabiħa ta’ €2067.47 ġiet mogħtija lil Karl Vella Foundation illum. Dawn il-flus inġabru waqt il-casual day tal-Pink October u Movember li ġiet organizzata l-iskola, kif ukoll il-bejgħ ta’ gallettini forma ta’ ċoff u mustaċċi. Organizzajna wkoll il-maratona tal-barbiera, fejn diversi barbiera offrew il-ħin tagħhom biex b’mod volontarju, joffru s-servizzi tagħhom għal din il-kawża. Grazzi lil kull min ta’ sehmu għal dan l-għan.💗

The beautiful sum of €2067.47 was donated to Karl Vella Foundation today. This money was raised during the Pink October and Movember casual day at our school and the selling of ribbons and moustache cookies. A barbering marathon was also organised where various barbers donated their time and voluntarily offered their services for this cause. We would like to thank all those involved. 💗

Karl Vella Foundation – KVF

St Thomas More College Middle & Secondary School, Zejtun