Details about the distribution of books: It is important that every student confirms the schedule for the distribution of their Year group textbooks. There was a change in dates for Year 7s and 8s. Collection times are based on last year’s classes, except for new Year 7 students, who will collect their books according to their surnames. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure a smooth process. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Informazzjoni dwar it-tqassim tal-kotba: Importanti li kull student jara meta ser tkun il-ġurnata li fiha ser jitqassmu l-kotba tas-Sena tiegħu/tagħha. Kien hemm bidla fid-dati tas-Sena 7 u 8. Il-ħinijiet huma skont kif kienu l-klassijiet tas-sena l-oħra u fil-każ tal-istudenti tas-Sena 7 biss, skont il-kunjomijiet. Tajjeb li wieħed jaqra sewwa l-instruzzjonijiet ħalli kollox jimxi kif suppost. Grazzi bil-quddiem tal-kooperazzjoni tagħkom.
YEAR 7 (2024-2025)
New Year 7 Students who are joining from primary schools other than Zejtun B, St Anna, and/or St Joachim Marsascala, should bring their data sheets, money and to collect their school textbooks on Friday, 20th September.
Studenti ġodda fis-7 Sena (li mhux ġejjin mill-primarji taż-Żejtun B, St Anna u San Ġwakkin Marsascala) għandhom iġibu magħhom id-datasheets u l-flus u se jiġbru l-kotba tal-iskola l-Ġimgħa 20 ta’ Settembru.

Year 8 (2024-2025)
New Year 8 Students who are joining our school for the first time should bring their data sheets and money on Wednesday, 18th September. Their school textbooks will be distributed during the first week of school.
Studenti ġodda fit-8 Sena għandhom iġibu magħhom id-datasheets u l-flus u se jingħataw il-kotba tal-iskola tagħhom matul l-ewwel ġimgħa tal-iskola.

Year 9 (2024-2025)
New Year 9 Students who are joining our school for the first time should bring their data sheets and money on Thursday, 19th September. Their school textbooks will be distributed during the first week of school.
Studenti ġodda fid-9 Sena għandhom iġibu magħhom id-datasheets u l-flus u se jingħataw il-kotba tal-iskola tagħhom matul l-ewwel ġimgħa tal-iskola.

Year 10 (2024-2025)
New Year 10 Students who are joining our school for the first time should bring their data sheets and money on Friday, 20th September. Their school textbooks will be distributed during the first week of school.
Studenti ġodda fl-10 Sena għandhom iġibu magħhom id-datasheets u l-flus u se jingħataw il-kotba tal-iskola tagħhom matul l-ewwel ġimgħa tal-iskola.

Year 11 (2024-2025)
New Year 11 Students who are joining our school for the first time should bring their data sheets and money on Wednesday, 18th September. Their school textbooks will be distributed during the first week of school.
Studenti ġodda fil-11-il Sena għandhom iġibu magħhom id-datasheets u l-flus u se jingħataw il-kotba tal-iskola tagħhom matul l-ewwel ġimgħa tal-iskola.

The School Administration