Computer Assembly

Matul l-ewwel sena tal-IT Vokazzjonali, l-istudenti tagħhom tgħallmu dwar kif jifformattjaw kompjuter. Tgħallmu wkoll kif jimmuntaw kompjuter mill-qiegħ nett. Wara li mmuntaw il-komponenti meħtieġa, riedu wkoll jittestjaw kollox u jkunu ċerti li kollox qed jaħdem kif suppost. Prosit lil kulħadd!

During the first year of Vocational I.T. our students learn about formatting a computer system. They also learn how to assemble a computer system from scratch. After assembling the required components, they are also required to test it and make sure it’s fully working 😊 Well done to All!

Ms. P Madiona
IT Teacher