Christmas Crib Competition

The school has organized a Crib Competition for all students. This competition helped students to bring out their talents and creativity but also as a reminder that the core of the Christmas season is the birth of Baby Jesus in Bethlehem. THANK YOU and a very big WELL DONE to all students who took part.

Jesus is the reason for this Season!

L-iskola ħadet ħsieb li torganizza Kompetizzjoni tal-Presepju miftuħa għall-istudenti kollha tagħna. Din il-kompetizzjoni għenet mhux biss biex l-istudenti joħorġu t-talenti u l-krejattività tagħhom iżda wkoll sabiex infakkru li l-qofol tal-festa tal-Milied huwa t-twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin fil-grotta ta’ Betlem. GRAZZI u PROSIT lill-istudenti kollha li taw il-kontribut tagħhom.

Ġesù huwa r-raġun għal dan l-istaġun!

Mr. V Bartolo

Religion Teacher