Bonġu. Dalgħodu nixtieq nuri l-apprezzament tiegħi lill-membri tal-istaff kollha li b’xi mod jew ieħor taw jew qed jagħtu kontribut biex ikollna attivitajiet u atmosfera sabiħa tal-Milied fl-iskola tagħna. Il-qalb tal-membri tal-istaff hija kbira għax ħidmithom tmur oltre mix-xogħol tagħhom biss. Grazzi kbira tax-xogħol tagħkom.
Good morning. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all staff members who have contributed, in any way, to creating a wonderful and festive Christmas atmosphere in our school. Your dedication and commitment go above and beyond your usual duties. Thank you so much for all your hard work.