Dear students, underneath please find all the Christmas activities that we are going to organise in the coming weeks.

To Be Decided: How to build a Christmas crib (Afterschool course for students)

27th November–15th December 2023: Christmas Door Competition

27th November–15th December 2023: Christmas Crib Competition

27th November–15th December 2023: Christmas Card Competition

11th–17th December 2023: Pantomime – Ġakki u s-Siġra tal-Fażola

15th December 2023: Basketball and Volleyball Games (Year 11 students vs Members of Staff)

18th–20th December 2023: Qalb il-Milied b’risq id-Dar tal-Providenza

18th – 22nd December 2023: Christmas Mass

21st December 2023: Christmas Jumper Day

21st December 2023: Christmas Quiz

21st December 2023: Year 11 Voluntary Work

22nd December 2023: Christmas Film and Party