Nhar l-Erbgħa 26 ta’ April 2023, l-iskola tagħna pparteċipat fit-tournament interschools taċ-ċess organizzat mill-Malta Chess Federation. Dan sar fl-iskola Sekondarja tal-Handaq.
Ħadu sehem 60 tim minn skejjel differenti. Kien hemm 192 student! Konna f’kamra kbira b’90 mejda biex jintlagħab iċ-ċess.
L-iskola tagħna kellha tliet timijiet magħmula minn studenti kemm mill-iskola medja kif ukoll mis-sekondarja, fosthom żewġ studenti tal-11-il Sena.
It-tim tagħna Zejtun Middle and Secondary School Dynamite spiċċa fl-10 post minn 60.
Kellna nilagħbu 6 logħbiet kull wieħed, iżda minħabba restrizzjonijiet ta’ ħin, wara erba’ logħbiet, l-organizzaturi ddeċidew li t-tournament jintemm wara erba’ logħbiet.
Ħadna pjaċir bil-kampjonat u ħerqana għas-sena d-dieħla. Il-bookmark taċ-ċess li tatna Ms Frey se tfakkarna f’dan it-tournament.
Jekk tixtieq tingħaqad mal-klabb taċ-ċess tagħna, huwa kull nhar ta’ Ħamis u Ġimgħa fi blokk 2 matul il-brejk it-twil.

On Wednesday 26th April 2023, our school participated in the chess interschools tournament organized by the Malta Chess Federation. This took place at Handaq Secondary school.
60 teams from different schools took part. There were 192 students! We were in a big room with 90 tables, where chess was being played at the same time.
Our school had three teams made up of students from both the middle school and the secondary school, including two Year 11 students.
Our team Zejtun Middle and Secondary School Dynamite ended up in 10th place out of 60.
We were supposed to play 6 games each, but due to time constraints, after four games, the organisers decided that the tournament would end after four games.
We enjoyed the tournament and look forward to next year. The chess bookmark that Ms Frey gave us will remind us of this tournament.
If you would like to join our chess club, it is every Thursday and Friday in block 2 during the long break.