Is-Sa T Frey, li tieħu ħsieb iċ-Chess Club , qegħdin narawha tirċievi l-10 chess sets u t-tliet chess timers wara ċ-Chess Interschool Tournament li sar ftit ilu. It-tim tal-iskola tagħna kien spiċċa fit-tmien post minn 51 tim. L-istudenti tagħna taċ-Chess Club issa qegħdin jużaw dan l-apparat ġdid waqt ħin il-club. Prosit u komplu sejrin hekk!
Ms T Frey, who is in-charge of our Chess Club , is here to receive the 10 chess sets and three chess timers from the Chess Interschool Tournament. Our school placed eighth out of 51 teams. Our Chess Club students are already using the latest chess equip-ment. Congratulations and keep up the fantastic work!