Niċċelebraw l-kisbiet tagħna favur l-ambjent!
Bi pjaċir inħabbrulkom li lbieraħ l-istudenti tagħna Imre Agocs (9 Garnet) u Cressida Azzopardi (11 Jade), flimkien mas-Sa Michelle Debono (Assistenta Kap) u s-Sur Marlon Polidano, irrappreżentaw l-iskola tagħna fiċ-ċerimonja tal-Green Flag u l-Premju tas-Sostenibbiltà. Prosit kbira lil kulħadd għall-impenn u d-dedikazzjoni! Ejjew ħalli nkomplu naħdmu favur l-ambjent u noħolqu futur aktar sostenibbli.
Celebrating our green achievements!
We are thrilled to share that yesterday, our students Imre Agocs (Year 9) and Cressida Azzopardi (Year 11), along with Ms. Michelle Debono (Deputy Head) and Mr. Marlon Polidano, proudly represented our school at the Green Flag and Sustainable Award Ceremony. A huge well done to everyone for their hard work and dedication! Let’s continue to strive for excellence and work even harder towards a sustainable future.