Cats Shelter

A group of Year 8 students at our school has started building shelters for stray cats. Using recycled materials such as wood, plastic containers, and blankets, they created warm and safe places for the cats to rest. By working together, they designed, built, and put up these shelters in areas where stray cats are often found.

Their hard work helps protect homeless cats from bad weather and also teaches others about taking care of pets responsibly. Through their compassion and teamwork, these students are making a real difference in the lives of stray cats. Well done to them and to Ms Alexandra Saliba LSE!

Grupp ta’ studenti tat-8 Sena tagħna beda jibni kennels għall-qtates bla dar. Bl-użu ta’ materjali riċiklati bħall-injam, kontenituri tal-plastik u kutri, ħolqu postijiet sħan u siguri fejn il-qtates jistgħu jistrieħu. Huma ħadmu flimkien, iddisinjaw bnew u poġġew dawn il-kennels f’postijiet fejn ħafna drabi jinstabu dawn il-qtates.

Ix-xogħol tagħhom mhux biss jgħin biex jipproteġi l-qtates meta jkun il-maltemp, iżda wkoll ikabbar l-għarfien ir-responsabbiltà li nieħdu ħsieb l-annimali. Żgur li b’dan l-isforz, dawn l-istudenti qed jagħmlu differenza fil-ħajja tal-qtates.

Prosit lilhom u lis-Sa Alexandra Saliba LSE! 👏

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