Careers Walk-In Service for Year 11s

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

I would like to bring to your attention that the Career Guidance Service within St Thomas More College shall be available during summer holidays.

This service is aimed to address the career needs of all students with a particular focus on our Year 11 students that by now have finished their secondary education and are eagerly looking forward towards their future, dependent on choices that are to be taken.

Whether to continue further education or enter the world of work, a decision stands at the end of the line and this must not be taken lightly. This service is being offered to help, assist and facilitate the best choice possible in terms of career opportunities and institutions such as MCAST, ITS, Junior College, Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, GEM 16+  … … … … where one can pursue further education.

This service will be offered in person or online. You can request an appointment by email or phone.

Aaron Cortis on 25986031 /

Rose Marie Mc Kay on 25986004 /

Our assistance will be made available during summer holidays by appointment from Monday to Friday between 08:00 to 12:30


The Career Guidance Team

Għeżież  Ġenituri / Kustodji  u Studenti,

Nixtieq ninfurmakom li din is-sena is-Servizz tal-Gwida għal-Karrieri fil-Kulleġġ St Thomas More ser  ikun offrut matul il-vaganzi tas-sajf.

Dan is-servizz huwa iffokat  biex jindirizza l-ħtiġijiet tal-karriera ta’ l-istudenti kollha b’mod partikulari tal-11 il-sena, liema studenti spiċċaw l-edukazzjoni sekondarja tagħhom u qed iħarsu lejn il-futur tagħhom, liema futur huwa dipendenti mill-għażliet li ser jittieħdu.

Sew jekk titkompla l-iskola jew tidħol fid-dinja tax-xogħol, trid tittieħed deċiżjoni li la hija faċli u anqas waħda li tittieħed malajr. Dan is-servizz huwa offrut biex jgħin u jiffaċilita dawn l-għażliet ta’ karrieri u istituzzjonijiet bħal MCAST, l-ITS, Junior College, Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary, GEM 16+… … … … fejn wieħed jista’ jkompli l-edukazzjoni tiegħu.

Dan is-servizz ser ikun offrut personalment jew onlajn. Tista’ titlob appuntament billi tibgħat ittra elettronika jew iċċempel

Aaron Cortis fuq 25986031 /

Rose Marie Mc Kay fuq 25986004 /

L-assistenza tagħna ser tkun possibli waqt il-vaganzi tas-sajf b’appuntament mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa bejn it-8:00 u 12:30


It-Tim tal-Gwida tal-Karrieri