Matul din is-sena skolastika, l-istudenti kollha tad-9 Sena ngħataw l-opportunità li jipparteċipaw f’diversi żjarat ta’ orjentazzjoni għall-karrieri. L-istudenti nfushom għażlu liema żjara joħorġu, skont is-suġġetti tal-għażla tagħhom u l-interessi tagħhom. Dawn iż-żjarat ġew organizzati mit-tim tal-Guidance tagħna u qed isiru matul din is-sena skolastika. Ir-ritratti t’hawn taħt ittieħdu waqt iż-żjara ta’ orjentazzjoni għall-karriera fil-Malta National Aquarium fil-Qawra fis-17 ta’ April. Grazzi lis-Sa Claudia Xerri talli qasmet din l-informazzjoni magħna!
This scholastic year, all Year 9 students were provided with the opportunity to participate in various career-orientation visits. The students themselves chose which visit to go out on, depending on their option subjects and their interests. These visits were organised by the Guidance Team at our school and they are taking place throughout this scholastic year. The photos below were taken during the career-orientation visit to the Malta National Aquarium in Qawra on the 17th of April. Thanks Ms. Claudia Xerri for sharing!