Fis-26 ta’ Mejju, l-għalliema tal-guidance ħadu erbatax -il student tad-Disà sena għal ħarġa ta’ orjentazzjoni tal-karrieri għand James’ Caterers f’Bulebel. L-erbatax-il student ġew milqugħa b’merħba mill-qalb u murija madwar id-diversi sezzjonijiet li hemm fil-bini. Is-sezzjoni tal-Inġinerija kienet il-qofol ta’ din iż-żjara.
On May 26th, a career-orientation trip to James’ Caterers in Bulebel was hosted by the school’s guidance teachers. The fourteen students who were in Year 9 were greeted with a warm welcome and shown around the various sections contained within the building. The Engineering component was the primary focus of this visit.