Bronze Award for the Student Council 2023-2024

🥉Il-Bronż għall-Kunsill tal-Istudenti 2023-2024

Bi pjaċir inħabbrulkom li l-Kunsill tal-Istudenti tagħna rebaħ il-Bronż fl-Istudent Council Democracy Awards li ġew imtellgħa fis-16 ta’ Ottubru 2024. Dan ir-rikonoxximent huwa għall-ħidma tal-istudenti fi ħdan il-kunsill tul l-aħħar sena skolastika. Dan huwa ċ-Ċertifikat ta’ Eċċellenza mogħti lill-iskola tagħna!👏

🥉Bronze Award for the Student Council 2023-2024

We’re proud to announce that our Student Council earned a Bronze Award at the Student Council Democracy Awards held on 16th October 2024. This recognition celebrates the students’ incredible work during the last scholastic year. Check out the Certificate of Excellence awarded to our school below!👏

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ

On 16th October, three members of the 2023-2024 student council—Faith Grixti (Year 11), Alessandro Piscopo (Year 11), and Yunlong Wang (Year 8)—attended the Student Council Democracy Awards. At this event, student council members from schools across Malta and Gozo gathered to receive recognition for their efforts during the past scholastic year. Our school received a Bronze Award for the council’s contributions, including the organization of various activities and events.

The students had the opportunity to present the “Around the Globe” event, which took place last year. This initiative helped our school community learn about and appreciate different cultures, fostering greater understanding and integration among students.

A big well done to these students and staff for their hard work and dedication!

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