Boot camp ieħor fil-miftuħ: bejn it-22 u l-24 ta’ Marzu, l-istudenti tagħna tal-PE option kellhom l-opportunità jesperjenzaw boot camp fil-beraħ. Huma pparteċipaw f’bosta attivitajiet bħal trekking mal-lejl, sessjonijiet cross-fit, archery
, airsoft shooting, logħob f’tim, ħuġġieġa
, obstacle courses u fuq kollox qattgħu ħin prezzjuż flimkien, magħqudin.
Another outdoor boot camp: From March 22nd to 24th, PE option students had a blast immersing themselves in an outdoor boot camp. They engaged in activities such as night trekking, cross-fit sessions, archery
, airsoft shooting, team-building games, campfires
, obstacle courses, and most importantly, cherished their time together.