Bir-Rota Għall-Iskola

Bi preparazzjoni għal ‘Bir-ROTA għall-ISKOLA’, nhar l-Erbgħa kellna magħna żewġ membri mill-NGO lis-Sur Steve Zammit Lupi u lis-Sur Noel Seguna. Huma ħeġġew lill-istudenti tagħna ħalli jipparteċipaw fl-attività li qegħdin nikkoordinaw mal-iskejjel Primarji taż-Żejtun u mal-Kunsill Lokali u kif ukoll tkellmu fuq il-vantaġġi tar-rota. Fost diversi punti marbuta mar-rota ssemmew l-eżerċizzju fiżiku, rispett lejn l-ambjent u trasport attiv u sostenibbli.🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🌞💪😃

Two members joined us at our assembly in advance of our upcoming Wednesday activity, ‘Bir-ROTA għall-ISKOLA’. Mr Steve Zammit Lupi and Mr Noel Seguna encouraged our students to be part of this activity, which we are organising with both Żejtun Primary schools and the Local Council. They also highlighted the many benefits of cycling, particularly with regard to the physical exercise, care for the environment and active sustainable transportation. 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🌞💪😃

Zejtun Primary B Iż-Żejtun, Primarja AKunsill Lokali Żejtun – Żejtun Local Council

Bir-Rota għall-Iskola… attività organizzata bejn l-iskejjel primarji, l-iskola medja taż-Żejtun u l-Kunsill. Grazzi u prosit lil kulħadd!

It was all fun and smiles in Żejtun this morning as kids from both Primary and Secondary Schools participated in an organised bicycle bus to their respective colleges. 🚴‍♀️🚴

The activity was lead by teacher and cyclist Noel Seguna with the support of the Kunsill Lokali Żejtun – Żejtun Local Council, Community Police and ROTA.

Our Bicycle Ambassador Steve Zammit Lupi was invited last week to organise talks at both schools to encourage kids to attend today with their bicycles, and also speak about the benefits of cycling. We’re overwhelmed by the great attendance! Well done to the teachers, kids and their parents. 🙌

📷 Steve Zammit Lupi

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