Beach Soccer

Grupp sabiħ ta’ studenti tagħna tat-8 Sena tal-SCDP futbol kellhom l-opportunità tad-deheb u ħadu sehem f’turnew tal-beach soccer⚽️. L-istudenti ħadmu f’tim b’ħafna determinazzjoni u impenn. Bis-saħħa tal-prestazzjoni eċċezzjonali tagħhom, l-istudenti tagħna rnexxielhom jikkwalifikaw għall-finali.👏 Bla dubju, aħna lkoll ninsabu kburin bit-tim tal-ġenn tagħna u nieħdu l-okkażjoni biex nirringrazzjaw lill-ġenituri tagħhom għas-sapport bla waqfien. Prosit kbira lit-tim li pparteċipa f’din l-esperjenza hekk sabiħa. Grazzi speċjali tmur lis-Sur Ennio Desira li qasam magħna din l-informazzjoni.

A selection of our Year 8 SCDP football students had the opportunity to compete in a beach soccer tournament ⚽️. The students demonstrated exceptional teamwork, determination, and hard work. Thanks to their outstanding performance, they qualified for the finals. 👏

We are incredibly proud of our school team and would like to thank the parents for their constant support. Congratulations as well to all the teams who participated in this amazing experience! Thanks Mr. Ennio Desira for sharing!