L-istudenti tal-PTI Achieve fid-9 u l-10 sena pparteċipaw fil-programm Be Wise, Pay Smart fl-HSBC Head Office. L-istudenti tgħallmu dwar servizzi differenti li joffri l-bank, bħal: debit, credit u contactless kards, ATM, EPOS, Internet Banking u Mobile Banking. Kellhom ukoll dimostrazzjoni ta’ kif tiġbed u tiddepożita flus f’ATM u tgħallmu dwar prattiċi sikuri bħal PIN b’saħħtu u li ma taqsamx informazzjoni privata ma’ ħaddieħor.
Grazzi lill-Home Economics Seminar Centre ta’ din l-opportunità.
The Year 10 and 11 PTI Achieve students participated in the Be Wise, Pay Smart programme at HSBC Head Office where the different functions of a bank were explored. The students learnt about different bank services such as: credit, debit and contactless cards, ATM, EPOS, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. They also had a demonstration on how to withdraw and deposit money at an ATM and learnt about safe practices such as having a secure PIN and not sharing personal data with anyone else.
A special thanks to the Home Economics Seminar Centre for giving us this opportunity.
PTI Department