BBQ 2024 – Year 7s

Il-BBQ għall-istudenti tas-7 Sena tagħna għadda u mar! Imma żgur li kienet serata mill-isbaħ għax l-istudenti qattgħu ħin mill-aqwa flimkien. Serata kompluta minn kollox: ikel, kant, xi ċajta ‘l hemm u ‘l hawn u ma jistax jonqos, kumpanja tal-ġenn. Grazzi speċjali tmur lill-membri kollha tal-istaff li għamlu din is-serata possibbli u lill-istudenti li attendew b’tant ħeġġa għal din l-attività mtellgħa mill-iskola! 👏🍔🤩🥳

The Year 7s’ BBQ – what an event!! Definitely it was a great evening because the students had the chance to spend some time together. It was an evening filled in every way: food, singing, jokes and of course, great company. Special thanks goes to all members of staff who made this evening possible and to the students who attended numerously for this activity organised by the school!👏🍔🤩🥳