Dear students and parents/guardians, for your kind attention.
Annual Examinations Rules and Regulations
The following is a list of rules, advice, and instructions you are expected to read carefully before your first examination and which you should follow throughout all the Examinations held at St. Thomas More College, Middle and Secondary School, Żejtun.
1. PUNCTUALITY is to be always observed. Late-arriving students will not be allowed in the examination room.
2. You are requested to sit at the desk assigned to you by the Invigilator.
3. Students are to remain in class till the end of the exam. NO ONE is permitted to leave the room earlier.
4. School bags must be left by the teacher’s desk, at the front of the examination room.
5. Notes/books are NOT ALLOWED under the student’s desk. You may take into the examination room only the materials and equipment which are allowed. Sharing of items is NOT PERMITTED.
6. You must not take into the examination room any unauthorised materials and equipment, which might give you an unfair advantage such as notes, books, electronic devices, including mobile telephones, smart watches, and MP3/4 players. Students making use of Reader Pen will be duly informed and will have the permission to make use of the Reader Pen during the Examinations. Possession of unauthorised material is breaking the rules, even if you do not intend to use it, and you will be subject to possible disqualification. Bring your writing equipment in a pencil case or plastic bag. Do not bring revision notes, books, or any unauthorised items to the exam room; you must place such items in your locker. Turn off watch alarms.
7. You must not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practice in any part of the examination. Copying/helping other students IS CHEATING. Students involved shall be GIVEN A ZERO.
8. You must not talk to or otherwise communicate with or disturb other candidates once the examination has started. You must not talk at all in the exam room, even when entering or leaving. Respect the needs of others already or still working.
9. Students may go to the toilet ONLY if it is necessary and ONE AT A TIME.
10. When students have THE FIRST SESSION ONLY, they must leave after the 1st session ON PRESENTATION OF A PARENTS’ NOTE. A copy of this note is in the school diary page 6 or you can download it from this webpage.
11. When students have THE SECOND SESSION ONLY, they are to come to school on time for that session. Students are NOT to use school transport in the morning as the school is unable to provide any supervision in the yard during this time.
12. Whenever a student is absent, a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE making him/her fit for school needs to be produced.
13. Normal regulations apply to behaviour, general appearance, and to the style and standard of dress. Students are expected to wear official school uniform.
As educators we thank you in advance for your full co-operation and sincerely hope you do obtain good results. Good luck!

Download and print the sample note

Year 7s – Individual Exams and Transport Timetable

Year 8s – Individual Exams and Transport Timetable

Year 9s – Individual Exams and Transport Timetable

Year 10s – Individual Exams and Transport Timetable

Year 11s – Individual Exams and Transport Timetable

Annual Timetable for Middle Schools (Years 7 & 8)
Annual Timetable for Secondary Schools (Years 9, 10 & 11 CCP)
The School Administration