
Informazzjoni rigward l-ALP (Alternative Learning Programme)
Għeżież ġenituri/kustodji,
Bħalissa l-iskola qiegħda tevalwa l-potenzjal akkademiku u dak applikat tal-istudenti sabiex tkun tista’ toffri l-possibilità lil dawk l-istudenti li jaċċellaw aktar fil-qasam prattiku, l-opportunità li japplikaw għal programm ta’ studju alternattiv, fl-iskola tal-ALP is-sena d-dieħla. Dan bil-għan, li jiksbu esperjenzi u ċertifikazzjoni adekwati, bi preparament għall-istituzzjonijiet edukattivi postsekondarji, fosthom l-MCAST u l-ITS.
B’rabta ma’ dan kollu, se ssir laqgħa importanti fis-sala/gym tal-iskola tagħna, nhar il-Ġimgħa 7 ta’ Frar 2025, fid-09:30, biex flimkien ma’ wliedkom tiksbu kemm jista’ jkun informazzjoni dwar l-operat tal-Iskola Sekondarja tal-ALP, u l-programmi vasta ta’ studju li din toffri. Dakinhar tal-laqgħa se jkollkom ukoll iċ-ċans li tagħmlu l-mistoqsijiet lill-kelliema preżenti.
Se ssir laqgħa oħra online l-Erbgħa 12 ta’ Frar 2025 fid-09:30 għal dawk il-ġenituri/kustodji li mhux se jkunu jistgħu jattendu l-laqgħa tal-Ġimgħa. Il-ħolqa ta’ din il-laqgħa se tintbagħat f’email separata, permezz ta’ announcementfuq il-MySchool, u fuq is-sit elettroniku tal-iskola.
Grazzi bil-quddiem li se tkunu qegħdin tilqgħu din l-istedina. Narawkom.
L-Amministrazzjoni tal-Iskola
Information about the ALP (Alternative Learning Programme)
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Currently the school is evaluating the academic and applied potential of the students, so that it can offer the possibility to those students who excel more in the practical field, the opportunity to apply for a study program alternatively, at the ALP secondary school next year. This is with the aim of obtaining adquate experiences and certification, in preparation for post-secondary educational institutions, including MCAST and ITS.
In connection with all this, an important meeting will be held in our school hall/gym, on Friday 7th February 2025, at 09:30, so that together with your children, you can obtain as much information as possible about the operation of the ALP Secondary School and the vast study programs it offers. On that day of the meeting you will also have the chance to ask questions to the speakers present.
Another meeting will be held online, on Wednesday 12th February 2025, at 09:30, for those parents/guardians who are unable to attend Friday’s meeting. The link of this meeting will be sent in a separate email, through an announcement on MySchool, and on the school’s website.
Thanking you in advance for accepting this invite to attend. Looking forward to see you.
The School Administration