Gymnastic Club 2023-2024

Gawdu dawn il-wtaqtiet mimlija enerġija mill-Gymnastics Club tagħna! Grazzi speċjali tmur għall-istudenta tal-10 Sena Gwyneth Vella għal dan il-video u lill-membri kollha ta’ dan il-club għall-parteċipazzjoni u entużjażmu tul is-sena kollha! Grazzi kbira lis-Sur Glenn Galea, għalliem tal-PE u lill-membri tal-istaff f’dan il-club!👏

Enjoy some thrilling snippets from our Gymnastics Club! Special thanks to our Year 10 student Gwyneth Vella for compiling the video, and all the club members for their participation and enthusiasm throughout the year! Special thanks to Mr Glenn Grech PE teacher and member of staff responsible of the Gymnastics Club!👏