Around The Globe: Multicultural Activity

🌍Il-programm għas-serata ta’ ‘Around the Globe’ ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa 15 ta’ Marzu🌍

Ninsabu ħerqanin biex naqsmu magħkom il-programm li għandna ppreparat għalikom għas-serata ta’ ‘Around the Globe’ li ser issir nhar il-Ġimgħa li ġej, bejn is-18:00 u l-22:30.Lestu ruħkom biex taraw, idduqu t-togħmiet ta’ kulturi differenti filwaqt li tesperjenzaw attivitajiet eċċitanti u tagħmlu rabtiet ġodda! Aħna hemm ser inkunu! Narawkom!🎉

🌍 *Around the Globe’ evening programme for Friday, March 15th* 🌍

Exciting news! The programme for Friday’s evening activity on March 15th, from 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM, is attached below.

Prepare to be captivated by cultural experiences, thrilling activities and new connections.

See you there! 🎉

Sponsored by: Delicata¦ Kitchen Concepts¦ Peking Restaurant¦ Golden Harvest¦ B4 Group¦ Bemania party supplies¦ Is-Suq Tal-Belt Valletta Food Market¦ Heritage Malta¦ Twistees Malta¦ JB Department Stores¦ WasteServ¦ Malta Sunripe¦ Matalan Malta¦ Farsonsdirect¦ The Convenience Shop¦ GO