Around The Globe Bookmarks

L-istudenti tal-Klassi 10 Topaz qegħdin iħejju bookmarks. Huma qegħdin jaħdmu fuq dawn il-bookmarks sabiex ibigħuhom waqt ‘Around the Globe’. Dawn il-bookmarks huma kollha dwar l-Ingilterra u wieħed ser ikun jista’ jakkwistahom mill-istand tal-Ingliż🇬🇧. Grazzi speċjali tmur lis-Sa Vania Formosa li qasmet magħna din l-informazzjoni.

Year 10 Topaz students are making bookmarks. The students are working on bookmarks to sell at the Around the Globe event. Bookmarks are all about England and can be found at the English🇬🇧 stall. Thank you, Ms. Vania Formosa, for sharing.