L-istudenti tal-10 sena li jsegwu l-programm tal-PTI jieħdu ħsieb li jagħmlu użu tajjeb minn partijiet li hemm madwar l-iskola biex jiżirgħu u jħawwlu bosta ħxejjex. Aktar tard din is-sena se nkunu qiegħdin naħsdu l-ful, piżelli, ċiċri, rukola, karrotti, tursin, ħass, pastard, ġidra u kaboċċi. Is-sodisfazzjon li tara xi ħaġa tikber bis-saħħa tiegħek hu kbir, kif ukoll it-tgħalim dwar ikel bnin u bla pestiċida. Grazzi lis-Sa. Rachel Ann Zammit ta’ din l-informazzjoni.
The Yr 10 PTI students make use of the school premises to sow and plant various vegetables. Later this year, we will be harvesting beans, peas, chickpeas, rucola, carrots, parsley, lettuce, cauliflower, turnip and cabbages. The students are very proud to witness these crops growing under their care and they enjoy learning about healthy food without any use of pesticides. Special thanks goes to Ms. Rachel Ann Zammit for sharing this information.