L-istudenti kollha tal-10 sena attendew produzzjoni mtella mid-Drama Unit – Is-Skiet li Jtarrax – bit-tema ta’ abbuż. L-istudenti kellhom l-opportunità li jaraw reċta u wara jiddiskutu dak li raw, ħasbu fuq l-atteġġjament tal-atturi u rriflettew dwar għajnuniet differenti li jistgħu jirrikorru għalihom nies li għaddejjin min abbuż. Grazzi lill-għalliema tal-PSCD tal-organizzazzjoni.
The Year 10 students attended a theatrical production by Drama Unit – Is-Skiet li Jtarrax – which revolved around the theme of abuse. The students had the opportunity to watch this performance and discuss what they have seen, think about the behaviour of the actors and reflected on the different agencies that can help people who are suffering abuse. Thank you PSCD teachers for organising this.