L-Esploraturi tal-Ambjent

Il-klassi 9 Topaz kellhom ħarġa marbuta mat-Tema l-‘Esploraturi tal-Ambjent’ fejn rajna l-importanza li nżommu l-ambjent tagħna nadif u tajna s-sehem tagħna billi naddafna t-toroq li għaddejna minnhom fl-inħawi ta’ Marsaxlokk. Tgħallimna wkoll dwar is-sigurtà fit-triq u xi jfissru diversi tabelli fit-toroq.

Kellna wkoll iċ-ċans niċċaqalqu ftit waqt logħob kompetittiv u l-istudenti għenu lil xulxin biex sajru n-noodles kif ukoll smores bħala deżerta. L-istudenti ħadu ħsieb li jħallu l-post nadif kif sibnieh billi ħadmu bħala tim sabiex inaddfu l-postijiet li użaw għal dawn l-attivitajiet.

Grazzi Sur James u Sa Becky minn Aġenzija Żgħażagħ ta’ din l-opportunità!

The 9 Topaz students had an outing with the theme ‘Esploraturi tal-Ambjent’. We discussed the importance of living in a clean environment and how our contribution is of importance. We also picked up rubbish from the streets that we passed from in Marsaxlokk. We also learned about safety in the street and about various street signs.

We participated in competitive games and the students helped each other to cook noodles and smores for dessert. The students worked in a team to clean up as well.

Thank you Mr. James and Ms. Becky from Agenzija Zghazagh for this opportunity!