Engineering Craft and Art

The students from 11 Topaz had an educational outing at ‘Engineering Craft & Art’ at Safi where we met Mr. Brian Bugeja. The students had the opportunity to work with iron, wood and various tools where the students identified new things that they are able to do and expressed their individual creativity. They also worked on a project which they took home and were very satisfied with the final product. This was in relation to the Prince’s Trust units ‘Preparing for the World of Work’ and ‘Experiencing the World of Work’. Thank you Mr. Brian Bugeja for your patience and transmission of knowledge, the LSEs for their support to the students and thank you Mr. Aaron Cortis and Mr. Joseph Cilia Grech, the college career advisors.

Il-klassi 11 Topaz kellhom ħarġa edukattiva fejn marru jiltaqgħu mas-Sur Brian Bugeja minn ‘Engineering Craft & Art’ ġewwa Ħal-Safi. L-istudenti kellhom l-opportunità li jaħdmu bil-ħadid, injam u diversi għodda fejn setgħu jgħarrfu kapaċitajiet ġodda li għandhom u esprimew il-kreattività tagħhom b’mod individwali. Kellhom ukoll is-sodisfazzjon li għamlu proġett mill-bidu sal-aħħar u ħaduh magħhom id-dar. Dan sar bħala parti mill-units ‘Preparing for the World of Work’ u ‘Experiencing the World of Work’ fil-Prince’s Trust. Grazzi kbira lis-Sur Brian Bugeja tal-paċenzja u t-tgħalim tal-llum, lill-LSEs tas-sapport sħiħ lill-istudenti u grazzi lis-Sur Aaron Cortis u s-Sur Joseph Cilia Grech, il-career advisors tal-kulleġġ. 

Ms. R A Zammit
PTI Teacher