Disney and Paris – One month to go

U l-countdown issa beda! F’xahar biss mil-lum, tibda l-avventura ta’ ħajjitna, Disney u Pariġi, wasalna! Il-preparamenti għaddejjin issa b’ritmu mgħaġġel, l-eċitament mas-sema u l-ħeġġa biex nivvjaġġaw hija ta’ veru! Iġri jasal ħalli nesperjenzaw il-maġija, il-postijiet sbieħ u l-mumenti li ma jintesewx! Żommu ruħkom aġġornati dwar dan il-vjaġġ!

The countdown is on! In just one month, the adventure of a lifetime begins—Disney and Paris, here we come! Preparations are in full swing, excitement is through the roof, and the travel fever is REAL. Can’t wait to experience the magic, the sights, and all the unforgettable moments! Stay tuned for the journey!


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