Jum il-Mara
L-istudenti tagħna, Amy Caruana u Laura Vella, li qegħdin fl-għaxar sena u li qed jistudjaw l-Istudji Soċjali bħala wieħed mis-suġġetti tagħhom, ġew mistiedna jattendu konferenza fix-Xara Lodge fir-Rabat. Waqt din il-konferenza interessanti, l-istudenti kellhom l-opportunità jifhmu l-valur tagħhom bħala nisa kif ukoll jagħtu ħarsa lejn miżuri li jistgħu jittieħdu biex in-nisa jingħataw l-importanza li tixraqilhom.
Is-Sa Luisiana Sciberras
Għalliema tal-Istudji Soċjali
Women’s Day
Our students, Amy Caruana and Laura Vella, both in Year 10 and studying Social Studies as an optional subject, were invited to attend a conference at The Xara Lodge in Rabat. During this fruitful conference, the students had the opportunity to understand their value as women and also understand measures that can be taken to empower women throughout their lives.
Ms Luisiana Sciberras
Social Studies Teacher