Donation of Sugar and Chocolate Chips

Żewġt aħwa studenti tagħna, Andrè (9 Diamond) u Julian Galea (9 Coral) ippreżentaw lill-iskola d-donazzjoni mill-isbaħ ta’ 25 kg zokkor u 10 kg chocolate chips għat-tħejjija tas-suq tal-Milied li jmiss. Tassew napprezzaw is-sapport tagħhom u naċċertawhom li d-donazzjoni tagħhom ser tgħin ħafna fil-preparazzjonijiet. Grazzi!🙏

Two of our Year 9 and Year 10 students, siblings, Andrè and Julian Galea have kindly donated 25 kg of sugar and 10 kg of chocolate chips for the forthcoming Christmas market. We really appreciate their support, which will help the planning of the event immensely. Thank you!🙏

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