Bake Sale 2024

Għeżież Studenti, Ġenituri/Kustodji. Il-bake sale🥐🍰🍪🥯 tagħna b’risq id-Dar tal-Providenza daqt magħna. Agħtu daqqa t’għajn lejn dawn id-dettalji dwar il-ħinjiet u postijiet fejn ser ikun qed isir il-bejgħ. Intom tistgħu tgħinu billi tiġu u tixtru. Tajjeb li tħajjar lill-oħrajn jagħmlu bħalek. Kull għajnuna tgħodd! 🫶 Mela ejjew, ilkoll flimkien, nagħmlu din l-attività, li hi mifruxa fuq jumejn, suċċess. Il-weekend it-tajjeb!

Dear Students, Parents/Guardians. The bake sale 🥐🍰🍪🥯to raise money for the Dar tal-Providenza is approaching fast. Take a look at these details about when and where this bake sale is happening. You can help by visiting the bake sale and purchasing some goodies. Encourage others to follow suit. Every little help counts. 🫶So, let’s come together for this good cause and make this two-day event a huge success. Happy weekend!

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