Polish delegation at school

Today our school welcomed a group of Polish educators. They were greeted by Mr. A. Galea, head of school and together with Ms. R A Zammit, they visited a number of classes and labs. This visit offered an opportunity to share ideas and best practices in teaching.

Illum l-iskola tagħna laqgħet grupp ta’ edukaturi mill-Polonja. Wara merħba mill-Kap tal-Iskola s-Sur A Galea, il-mistednin tagħna, akkumpanjati wkoll mis-Sa R A Zammit, żaru numru ta’ klassijiet u laboratorji. Tul din iż-żjara kellna lkoll l-opportunità li naqsmu l-ideat u niddiskutu metodi ta’ tagħlim effettivi.

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