Awards in Design and Technology

Erba’ studenti tat-8 Sena ġew ippremjati 🎉 mill-għalliema tagħhom tad-D&T, is-Sa Lisa Galea għall-impenn tagħhom tul l-aħħar term ta’ dan is-suġġett. Nicole Mercieca mill-Klassi 8 Diamond u Jayden Galea mill-Klassi 8 Coral ġew ippremjati għall-innovazzjoni, Elena Sorrenti, 8 Diamond, ġiet ippremjata għall-prestazzjoni tagħha u Malcom Farrugia tal-Klassi 8 Coral ġie magħżul għall-prestazzjoni u għall-parteċipazzjoni attiva tiegħu fis-suġġett. Prosit u jalla tkomplu b’dan l-impenn tagħkom!💪👏

Four Year 8 students have been awarded 🎉 for their performance in D&T by Ms Lisa Galea (D&T teacher Year 😎 during the subject’s last term. Nicole Mercieca, 8 Diamond, and Jayden Galea, 8 Coral, were selected for innovation, Elena Sorrenti from 8 Diamond was awarded for her performance and our 8 Coral student Malcolm Farrugia was selected for his performance and active participation in the subject. Well done and may you always keep this great vibe! 💪👏