Year 7 students enjoying a fun Science experiment, related with Halloween, while learning. The reaction of baking soda with vinegar makes the balloon inflate with the gas produced! Ms. M ZahraScience Teacher
Month: October 2022
The sacrament of confirmation – Religion Lesson
This morning I organized an activity for year 11 CCP religion students. It was about the sacrament of confirmation that is a very abstract subject. Ms. I MalliaReligion Teacher
Halloween Craft
Year 11 topaz students made a Halloween lantern after watching a short video and listening to a simple set of instructions. Special thanks to all LSEs involved. Ms. N CassarEnglish Teacher
Engineering Tech Clubs @ University of Malta
This week, our Year 8 Emerald and Garnet students visited the Engineering Tech Clubs @ University of Malta. Ms. R GaleaGuidance Teacher
Día de los muertos – Spanish Lesson
Día de los muertos – culture lesson and revision of colours too! Students enjoyed themselves decorating las calaveras while also learning about a Mexican tradition. Ms. L AbelaSpanish Teacher
Year 11 Vocational Hospitality – Setting up a table
In the last few lessons, the students were learning about different table linen used in Hotels and restaurants as well as the formal table set-up. Afterwards they practiced what they learnt by setting up a table themselves. They started from Read More …
Pink October 2022
Today we celebrated Pink October where students wore a white or pink shirt. Without a doubt, the students had fun because they could wear something different, and they could also eat something sweet as well! This had an educational values Read More …
Quddiesa għat-Tieni sena Sekondarja
Dawn ir-ritratti u filmati qosra juru mumenti mill-quddiesa li ttellgħet għat-tieni sena sekondarja li timmarka l-ftugħ tas-sena skolastika. Il-quddiesa qaddisha Fr Dillon Bugeja u nqara l-Evanġelju skont San Luqa meta Ġesu’ ntilef fit-Tempju. L-aħħar sentenza tgħid li Ġesu’ baqa’ jikber Read More …
‘Wieħed, waħda, waħdi’
‘Wieħed, waħda, waħdi’ huwa t-titlu ta’ filmat qasir, li tħejja mis-Sur Vincent Bartolo u minn Dr Andrew Baldacchino, żewġ għalliema fl-iskola tagħna, sabiex jintwera bħala riflessjoni wara t-tqarbin, fil-quddies li ġie organizzat għall-istudenti tagħna. Dan il-filmat jitkellem dwar x’kapaċi jagħmel Read More …
Post-Secondary Schools Seminar
Year 11 students attended Post-Secondary Schools Seminar. Students were addressed by personnel from MCAST, Junior College, GEM16+, GCHSC, ITS. Well done to the organizers and to everyone involved. Thanks Mr. C Buttigieg for sharing!